Directed by Jay Craven
An epic tale of Vermont's fight for self-determination, led by Ethan Allen; and Lucy Prince, the first black female poet, and her quest for justice and peace. Directed by Jay Craven.
Below are stills from my work during the production of
Lost Nation as 2nd Unit DP / Director, B-cam operator, and pickup shoot DP. Principle photography shot on the Arri Alexa SXT in 3.2K for seven weeks between Nantucket, Northwestern Massachusetts, and Southern Vermont. The lenses were a set of Cooke Speed Panchros with a 1/4 glimmer glass filter. Pickups were shot in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont at 5k on the Red Gemini and the Canon 30-105mm.
Nearing picture lock and generating initial score cues.
Lost Nation IMDB